Pharmacy First

Pharmacies are well placed within communities and are essentially an ‘open door’ to the Health Service offering free independent health advice without the need for an appointment.  One of the services that community pharmacists are trained to provide is the treatment of minor ailments.  When a patient presents at a pharmacy with symptoms of a minor ailment, the pharmacist establishes if the symptoms are indeed minor in which case the pharmacist can offer advice and, if necessary, recommend appropriate treatment.  If the symptoms are of a more serious nature, the pharmacist will refer the patient to another healthcare professional.


The service was first introduced to Northern Ireland in 2005 and referral into the service includes referral from GP practices, the community pharmacist or self-referral by the patient.  Using this service the pharmacist can supply advice or advice and medicines for treatment of certain ailments, to suitable patients. Patients are not charged for this service.
